Monday, June 30, 2014

Our Government taking our right of privacy.

                             Every year our rights are taken from. Our government passes laws making them more powerful and us much weaker. We don't have a say in things and we're seen as "dummies". Our Founding Fathers made this a nation with government for the people by the people. But since then our government has become powerful, greedy, corrupt, and more dictating.

What Americans need to realize is our government has taken our rights laws that have been created by events in recent history. Some of these laws are the Patriot Act and the Affordable Care Act.

The Patriot Act isn't so patriot as you may think. This law gives the government permission to SPY on Americans. You can be a great and kind person of the community, but if the Government thinks your a terrorist, they can spy on you without the courts or your permission. How does that make you feel that your government would do that?

This is just ONE piece of legislation that takes away your right to privacy and live your life. Some of you may be asking, "How do we get rid of this law?", and the answer is Congress has to repeal it. One reason is they went against the constitution and passed a law that hurts our right to privacy and to persuit happiness in our lives. And congress can't say no to the constitution. America it is time to wake up and realize our rights are being taken, to realize that the left and right are the problem and not the solution. And when America realizes these things, then we'll truly have our rights and have a government for the people ran by the people.

Twitter: @HessforCity
